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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Why do Lightning Bugs Light

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A favorite childhood pastime of mine was catching lightning bugs. Summer nights were often joyously spent running around our front yard trying to capture the little bioluminescent bugs. I never recall asking why they lit up, I probably just felt that is what God made them to do and that was good enough for me. Having an inquisitive three year old means the longest, most detailed answer is always the preferred one.

After catching lightning bugs or fireflies one evening we began discussing why they light up. When I told him that’s how God made them it sufficed long enough for the walk back into the house, but then came more questions about why God would make them like that. From the show Wild Kratts I was already able to tell him they do it as a form of communicating, which worked for him, at least for now. I try to stay ahead of his questions and have answers rather than need to do research so I dove into more about our flickering friends.

Lightning bug and firefly are both rather odd names as they are a form of beetle rather than a bug. Who knew there was a difference! My research on what makes them different proved to be more tedious and detailed than I was prepared for. I read several articles and still do not understand what determines the difference. However, knowing they are a beetle and an insect should be enough. And at three I doubt my son is going to care that not all insects are bugs, as long as I don’t tell him.

How do lightning bugs (or should we be calling them lightning beetles?) make the light? Well they naturally have some chemicals in their abdomen, and they are able to regulate it by taking oxygen in to combine with the chemicals; thus creating the bioluminescent response.

Males from different species fly at different heights at different times of night, this allows the females of the same species to choose their mates. Their signal are unique to their kind further letting the females now they are alike. The females stay in vegetation or on the ground watching, they are able to flash their own light and the male will make its way over.

The length of time the beetles stay out depends on the species as well, some spend just 20 minutes a night flying and lighting up while others will remain out for hours.

With about 2,000 species of fireflies it is amazing that each has a light up pattern ingrained into them. Of course, different species live in different places, around 110 different species call Arkansas home. There are many fascinating patterns of light, including one species who’s female uses her light to attract males for prey.

To encourage lightning bugs to take up residence near you consider not using pesticides, planting native flowers and bushes, and leaving grass a little taller around the trees.

Whatever you call them, lightning bugs, fireflies, or Lampyridae beetles are sure to light up your summer nights and create memories to last a lifetime for your family.

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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