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Fort Smith
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Yeast Diaper Rash Help

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My grandma had a collection of newspaper clippings with useful information. There is a scrapbook in my buffet cabinet that holds them all, she compiled them. I’ve not read them all, but chances are there is a remedy for most all issues I could face. 

Maybe this is still common other places, an ask so-and-so column where nothing but useful information is shared. I’m not here to change the world, or start that article for Resident Press. An Ask Madison advice column would be a lot of “I don’t know” and probably no helpful advice. 

But this one! I have some advice for those parents who have kiddos prone to yeast, or even not. When a yeast rash hits it’s a pain, and they can be boogers to get rid of. Of course, there are prescription meds or even over the counter, but when you need quick relief for your little there isn’t time to find it.

To begin with we did an oatmeal bath. Google was not the most helpful with if this would help or feed the yeast, so I did it as a trial and error. Immediately upon getting the baby from the oatmeal bath the redness had already subsided and the rash looked less angry. 

Next I put plain yogurt on the rash. Baby girl protested for a minute because it was just out of the fridge and very cool, but it seemed to add to the soothing effect. The next time I changed her I slathered on coconut oil with a teensy drop of lavender essential oil. Then the next I did more yogurt. Really, coconut oil and yogurt could be applied at the same time but I swapped.

Her yeast rash has improved greatly! 

To do an oatmeal bath and not make a ginormous mess in your bath tub put the oats in a sock or wash cloth and tie with a rubber band or pony tail. 

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Madison VanRavensway
Madison VanRavensway
Don't let her quiet nature fool you. Madison is a force to be reckoned with in the outdoors, or creating amazing recipes from scratch.
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