By: Kimberly Boyd
One of my favorite Christmas memories was when I was a kid in the 80’s. It was the Christmas I got my very own first cassette tape, radio, and a sewing kit. The cassette tape was Phil Collins! Yes! I am old! I remember the tape featuring the song, “In The Air Tonight!”
That Christmas night, when we got home from all the Christmas festivities, I sat in my room listening to that song and trying to learn how to sew a pillow and blanket for my Barbie with my new sewing kit.
As a kid, I didn’t worry about world problems or money. My mind was focused on learning the lyrics of every Phil Collins song on that cassette tape and sewing that pillow for my Barbie. There is just something about thinking back about Christmas as a kid that brings a smile to my face!
When life was easy, and life was sweet without a care in the world, and I really believed Santa could bring me whatever I asked for and I could eat as much fudge as I could sneak away with not worrying about the extra pounds it added to my hips, those were the days of innocence!
So, for Day #1 of “Oh, Fudge!,” I bring you my Dad’s famous chocolate fudge recipe. He makes a pan of chocolate fudge as well as peanut butter fudge every Thanksgiving and Christmas, and he always sends a pan of fudge home with each of us kids. It’s not a holiday without Dad’s Fudge!
When life is simple and just filled with chocolate fudge, with bad haircuts from the 80’s, fake silver icicles on the Christmas tree, and a little snow on the ground, now that…that can make a perfect Christmas.
Dad’s Famous Chocolate Fudge
6 cups of Sugar
1 ½ cups of Butter
2 (5 oz.) cans of Evaporated Milk
3 packages of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 Large jar of Marshmallow Cream (13 oz.)
{Or you can buy 2 (7 oz.) small jars}
2 teaspoons of Vanilla Extract
2 cups of Walnuts
Line a large cake pan with foil or parchment paper. Spray with cooking spray and set the pan aside.
Mix sugar, butter, and milk in a medium size pot. Place on the stove and place it on medium to high heat. Bring it to a boil. Boil this mixture on a full boil for minimum of 5 minutes or until the temperature reaches 235 degrees if you have a candy thermometer to check the temp.
Once you have boiled this for 5 minutes, take the mixture in the pot off the heat. Add the chocolate chips. Stir until melted. Then, add the jar of marshmallow cream and stir until smooth. Add 2 cups of walnuts if desired. Last, add the vanilla and stir well. Pour into your greased pan and cool fudge in the refrigerator for two hours until all the fudge has harden. Enjoy!