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Two Days Until Valentine’s Day, have you bought the love of your life a gift?

Arkansas River Valley Business Directory

With only two days left to buy a gift, have you decided what you want to get the love of your life?

I have always thought Valentine’s Day should not be about the amount you spend, but about the thought that counts.  I would much rather have a gift that was thoughtful than roses that will die in a few days, chocolates that make me fatter, a gigantic bear that will be in next summer’s yard sale since it is just creepy to look at during the night, or an expensive dinner that I will stress later about because it might break the bank.  So, I have decided I would make it easier for you this Valentine’s Day just in case you need a last-minute gift idea besides the normal flowers, roses, and gigantic teddy bear.  Here are 15 Unusual and Creative Gift Ideas for the love of your life!

  1.  The night before Valentine’s Day, decorate the inside of her car with post-it notes with reasons why you love her or with favorite memories that you two have created together.  Tape a 100 Grand candy bar to the steering wheel and tell her, “The Many Reasons Why You Are SO Grand To Me!”  If you have time, it would be great if you could come up with 100 things however I know that may be quite the task to accomplish. 
  2. Bring home a basket with a note that says, “You Float My Boat!” Inside the basket include ice cream, a 2 liter of Root Beer, two straws and two glasses.
  3. Buy your significant other a pair of shoes (It could just be cozy house shoes or a pair of running shoes.) And place a note inside that reads, “From the day you WALKED into my life, I’ve never been happier.  Every STEP with you has been truly amazing!  I’m so glad we TIED the knot!  I’m so lucky and blessed you RAN into my life!”
  4. If your wife is a busy mom, believe it or not, she would love for you to unexpectedly clean the house.  There is something about waking up to a clean house, an empty sink (Can I get an Amen, ladies?) a cup of coffee, and the smell of laundry being washed.  Leave a note that says, “Thank you for all you do.  I hope this helps you a little today!”
  5. Record yourself lip singing a song to her.  Maybe use the song, “Count on Me” or “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars.  How about Brett Young singing, “In Case You Didn’t Know.” Notice I didn’t say sing it?  Why?  Well, not everyone was born with a Bruno Mars or Brett Young’s voice. So, no need to run her off at the first note you sing!
    You will feel cheesy doing this, but then at the end of the video, say something sweet.  I promise you this will add laughter and love to your relationship and a memory of a life time! 

If you know me well, you know I just had to google the top 2017/2018 greatest male voices just to finish that line.   

6. Don’t want to lip sing?  Write her a love letter.  Believe it or not, sometimes girls still want a little bit of a love storybook moment.  Share what made you fall in love with her.  What makes you love her now and what makes you want to grow old with her?  Don’t be afraid to let her know how much you love her.  You don’t have to be sappy year-round.  But, just this once, share your heart.

7. Make her a bath basket that she would love after a long day’s work.  Include in the basket, bubble bath or a bath bomb, lotion, maybe a new perfume, even splurge for a new robe.  Have the basket waiting for her when she gets home.  While she enjoys her bath, cook her dinner!

8. Attempt to cook a meal from start to finish.  Buy cheap crystal candle sticks from the dollar tree to have a candle lit dinner.  If you don’t normally cook for her, this will be special for her.  Be sure to pick out a favorite song to play at the end of the meal, and ask her, “May I have this dance?” Dancing in the kitchen or living room can be just as sweet as dancing under the stars.  It’s the thought that counts.  However, make sure if you cook, you clean up your mess!  If you have kids and this is near impossible, you can still cook the meal, and then once the kids go to bed, light the candles and ask her to dance!

9. Make her a movie basket with all her favorite snacks, popcorn, a new fuzzy warm blanket, and her favorite movie or rent a new romantic one from Red Box.  Then, put a sweet note inside the basket that says why you want to spend time with her.  The note will probably be her most favorite part of the basket.  She won’t be expecting you to share your feelings, but be honest and tell her what you love most about her.

10. Does your significant other have an office job and love donuts?  Send him or her a dozen donuts, and inside the box on the lid write, “(Insert Name), I donut know what I’d do without you!” 

11. Make a YouTube video recording yourself recalling the memory of when you first met and the way you felt.  If the place is nearby, you could even visit the place in your video.  Then, share how much you love her/him now.  If you don’t know how to upload to YouTube, a simple tutorial can always be found online to explain the process.  It’s simple and easy. However, uploading to Facebook could be another option.

12. Is your significant other a book worm?  Does he or she love reading books?  Slip little sweet notes all throughout the pages of the book he or she is currently reading.  So, later the notes will be found.  Or, if you know a book that he or she has been wanting, make a book basket, include the new book with favorite snacks but don’t forget to put the sweet notes within the pages of the book!

13. Buy some Gummie Bears, Hershey kisses, Hot Tamales, and a pack of Extra gum.  Put a note on the gummie bears that says, “Life without you would be unBEARable.”  Place a note on the bag of kisses that says, “I love your sweet KISSES” and a note on the hot tamales that says, “You are my HOT TAMALE!” Last, place a note on the gum that says, “I love you extra much! Thank you for being so EXTRA special in my life!”

14. Buy a watch for your significant other and inside the box place a note that says, “After all this TIME, I’m still in LOVE with You!”

15. Buy a gift certificate for your sweetheart to get her nails done or a haircut. You can always purchase a massage as well.  You can even order a couple’s massage.  Think outside the box instead of the things you buy every year.

One thing that the love of your life needs to know is that you don’t just love them on Valentine’s Day once a year, but that you love him or her every day that you are together.  Make your significant other feel special.  It only takes a few minutes to google an idea and then make it your own. 
Sometimes, just a simple card sharing your feelings can mean more than any expensive gift. Be creative, be fun, and don’t be afraid to be romantic.

Laughter and love should always go hand in hand!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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